Entrance to Good Shepherd Church

Knights of Columbus

The Good Shepherd Council 8340 of the Knights of Columbus was chartered on March 14, 1983 and has since grown to a membership of 72 brother Knights. We have a monthly meeting of our general members on the fourth Wednesday of each month to update members and to plan our activities for the future. That monthly meeting is preceded by Mass at 7:00 pm.

FAITH ACTIVITIES- These activities are primarily to do with our work to support the Parish. We usher, serve, decorate, count and do whatever we can to help our Pastor make our Parish successful.

FAMILY ACTIVITIES- These activities are targeted to Feeding Families and people in need. We supply men to work at The Good Shepherd Ministry to assist with the feeding of the poor. We also collect donated food and money to feed families and those in need.

COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES- This category is dominated by our Wheelchair Program. Once every month we collect empty beer cans and beer and liquor bottles for refund from the Beer Store. We also collect pop cans which are delivered to the recycling plant for the cost of the aluminium. The funds are donated to the Canadian Wheelchair Foundation who use the money to purchase wheelchairs for those in need, primarily in the far north and poor countries around the world.

LIFE ACTIVITIES- On the day of the national 'Life Chain', we man the intersection of Don Mills & Steeles.

OTHER FRATERNAL COMMITMENTS- Our brother Knights assist with telephoning and visiting the sick and infirm whenever possible.

The four principles of the Knights of Columbus are Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism and they cover our involvement in what our Bishops refer to as "the strong right arm of the Catholic Church".

We invite Catholic men, 18 years and older, to join our fraternal organization so that we may continue to serve the parish community and the Church. We may be contacted at our email address 'Council8340@gmail.com'.

For more information please visit our websites: Knights of Columbus and Kinghts of Columbus Ontario Council.