Entrance to Good Shepherd Church

Youth Group

There are five youth group leaders along with approximately 20 members. The goal of this group is to unify the youth of the parish by providing a safe and supportive community of young adults who share a common faith and common values. It also encourages the youth to become active members of the parish community and to further develop their social and collaborative skills by working with other youth.

The youth group meets every other Sunday in the church hall after the noon Mass for ½ to 2 hours. During this time they participate in group discussions and plan future events and participate in team-building/drama activities.

The youth group has contributed much to many parish functions. They have organized a number of Bake Sales with proceeds going to the ShareLife Campaign and needy families within the parish community. They are responsible for the Christmas Eve Children's Pageant and the Easter Passion Play, which they write and in which they participate. They believe that the great success of these ventures is the result of the combined efforts and commitment of its members.