Entrance to Good Shepherd Church

Parish Committees

The following committes assist the parish pastor in the day to day operations of the Church:

Church Decorating

Our church is always beautifully decorated to reflect the season or celebrations underway in our parish. The members of our Decorating Committee work with the pastor in decorating the sanctuary and the church for special celebrations. The amount of work varies with the liturgical calendar being busiest at Christmas and Easter.

If you are interested in assisting this committee, please contact the parish office.


The purpose of this committee is to assist the pastor who is the administrator of the goods of the parish. The members are a consulting and advisory body to our Pastor. This group meets periodically to discuss all matters related to Church finances, building maintenance and repairs. Together they inspect the Parish property with a focus on security. Completed projects are inspected and future projects are discussed. The pastor and this committee ensure that the parish funds are administered in a responsible manner.


This committee meets with the Pastor on several occasions throughout the year to discuss matters pertaining to the schedule of events occurring within the parish. Activities such as the preparation for various Lenten devotions and annual Retreat, the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Easter liturgies are also communicated. Discussion occurs regarding areas for improvement and future parish activities.


The purpose of the "Strengthening of the Caring Community Program" is to safeguard, in all respects, all of those, but most especially the vulnerable, to whom we minister. Also, the purpose is to ensure the integrity, safety and reputation of our volunteers. This process is designed to create and maintain a safe environment, and to ensure that the most appropriate match is made between volunteer and position.

This past year 81 new volunteers were screened; there were 45 personal reference checks and 15 police reference checks. All ministry leaders will be contacted two per year to update the parish list of volunteers. Ongoing supervision in the form of visits and spot checks will be conducted, for the high risk positions. A ministry self-review form will continue to be filled out annually by those for whom it has been directed.